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Warhammer The Old World
Warhammer: The Old World Bretonnia Reveals. Good Bordering on Great?
I'll be honest: I have very little interest in Warhammer: The Old World. I didn't ever really get into Warhammer Fantasy Battles except for a small Empire army, and I was taking a hiatus from wargaming during the End Times and therefore missed out on The Big Disappointment. And so as Games Workshop has been…
Space Marines Tactics
Space Marine Tactics: Strengths of the Emperor’s Finest
Space Marine tactics, legion by legion, are a vital core to understanding how to play Warhammer 40k. In the vast, tumultuous galaxy of Warhammer 40k, the Adeptus Astartes – better known as the Space Marines – stand as the Emperor's indomitable warriors. Each chapter of these genetically enhanced super-soldiers boasts distinct tactics and combat doctrines,…
Pile of Shame or Pile of Opportunity
We All Joke About It, But Is Your Pile of Shame Bad For You?
A thing happened to me in the last month that I did not expect: What should have been a real dive into the joy of painting turned into a crippling freeze. Things that I had been looking forward to painting for a long time all came together at the same time and instead of taking…
Are Warhammer and Warhammer 40k Connected?
The question of whether Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are connected has been around since Warhammer 40k first emerged. And, in the beginning, it really looked like they were. Space Orks, Space Elves, Space Dwarves. But lore and canon have changed. The answer is really simple: No, Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are not connected. Which is…
In Praise of Miniwargaming
In Praise of Miniwargaming (Plus Ravaged Star Finally Arrives)
Miniwargamer Matt On December 1, 2017, I sent an email to Matthew Glanfield (Miniwargamer Matt) with the subject line “Your Show Saved My Life”. And I wasn’t kidding or exaggerating. I’ve mentioned before on this site that I deal with chronic illness, specifically schizophrenia. And there have been times in my life when I just didn’t…
Starting Your first Bolt Action Army
Starting Your First Bolt Action Army: Tips and Tricks for New Players
Introduction The world of miniature wargaming is vast, intricate, and endlessly fascinating, and at its heart lies games like Bolt Action. Set against the backdrop of World War II, Bolt Action allows players to recreate historic battles, devise their own skirmishes, and delve deep into the tactical intricacies of warfare from the period. But beyond…
is historical wargaming for you
Famous Battles Re-imagined: Creativity with Historical Wargaming
Even though this website seems to spend an awful lot of time talking about sci-fi and fantasy, I am a historical wargaming enthusiast at heart. It was recreating battles in Vietnam thirty five years ago as a kid in my garage that drew me into wargaming. And so I'm always drawn to a good historical.…
Best Halloween Armies
Halloween Armies: Unearthed Horrors of the Wargaming World
In the vast universe of miniature wargaming, a certain allure pulls enthusiasts toward the shadows, drawing them to factions and forces steeped in horror and macabre. Whether it's the chilling whisper of ethereal ghosts, the ravenous hunger of undead legions, or the calculated terror tactics of space-faring renegades, these armies evoke a delicious dread that…

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